Biomass heating boiler



Biomass heating uses materials that were living relatively recently, such as wood, straw or Miscanthus, as heating fuels. Although these materials release CO2 when burned, this is exactly balanced by the amount they take up when growing.

The best overall energy balance is achieved when using biomass local to where it is available, avoiding the need for transport over long distances. This does not mean that biomass heating is only an option for rural areas. It is estimated that an additional 1 million tonne of wood per year could be recovered from unmanaged forests in England alone. 7.5 million tonnes of wood per year could be recovered from waste in the UK, 6 million tonnes of which are currently disposed of in landfill (UK Biomass Strategy 2007).

Our experience in the engineering of biomass district heating systems goes back over 15 years. During that time, we have been responsible for the design and implementation of over 40 biomass systems in the range 200kW to 5MW. We cover all stages of design and implementation, from initial concept design to system hand-over.

From 2009 to 2011, we provided design advice for biomass heating systems as one of 12 UK consultancies under the Carbon Trust Biomass Heat Accelerator project. As part of this work, we were invited to contribute sections on boiler house design and fuel handling systems to the Applications Manual written in partnership with CIBSE (expected to be published in 2012).

Our Biomass Services
